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About the Study
About Us
American terminology
Apprenticeship indentures
Apprenticeships in England
Army registrations

Baptisms by country see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu
Birth, marriage and death certificates
Births by country see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu
Birth registrations by country see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu
Burials by country see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu

Catholic records
Census returns see ‘Other records’ menu
Civil registration records
Contact Us
Consular registrations see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu
Court records and land transfers

Dates before 1751
Dates in genealogy
Dates – what’s in a date?
Deaths by country see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu
Death registrations by country see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu
Deeds see Court records and land transfers
DNA testing

Early references in London and South East England
Emigration diaries
Emigration ships
Emigration from Devon and Cornwall
Extraparochial marriages

Failed emails
Feedback on content
Feedback on performance
Feet of fines
Finding people in censuses
Freemen of the City of Dublin

Irish records
Index of people
Inquisitions post mortem
Intellectual property

Land tenure
Leases see Court records and land transfers
Lines in . . .   see ‘Pedigrees and researchers’ menu
List of searchable records
Lost wills

Main Yeo lines
Marriages at Gretna Green
Marriages by country see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu
Marriage registrations by country see ‘Birth, marriage and death records’ menu
Mother’s maiden names


One-name Study
Or was she called Ellen?
Otherwise known as . . .

Parish registers
Parishes with the same name
Pedigrees   see ‘Pedigrees and researchers’, ‘Families’, and ‘Individuals’ menus
Probate records
Property sales see Court records and land transfers
Private baptisms
Protestation returns

Quake records

Realignment of the border between Cornwall and Devon
Records of Living People
Research by Angela Morgan   see ‘Pedigrees’ menu
Research by Clarence Arthur Phillips   see ‘Pedigrees and researchers’ menu
Research by Eve McLaughlin   see ‘Pedigrees and researchers’ menu
Research by Mike Darch and David Yaw   see ‘Pedigrees and researchers’ menu
Research by Sheila Yeo
Research by the Yaw-Yeaw Family Society   see ‘Pedigrees and researchers’ menu
Resources on this site

Searching for . . .
Surname distribution
Surname variants

The 1921 census
The 1939 Register
The Second Boer War
The Visitations of Devon and Cornwall
The Yeo coat-of-arms

Unallocated people
Unrecorded events

War deaths
Web site news
Wills and administrations
Wills and the genealogist
Wills of married women
