The Brooklyn Eagle newspaper carried this report on 21 May 1899 of a marriage that had taken place at a Catholic church in the Manhattan area of New York City:
‘A quiet wedding took place at 11 o’clock yesterday morning in St. Peter’s Church, State Street. The bride was Miss Muriel Olton, eldest daughter of Mrs. H. C. Olton, and the groom, G. Cecil Yeo. The ceremony was performed by the rector, the Rev. Dr. Lindsay Parker. The bride was given away by her brother Percy Olton, and Clarence Yeo acted as best man for his brother. The bride was attired in a cream cashmere dress trimmed with point lace, with a vail [sic] and orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of cream roses. The maid of honour, Miss Mabel Olton, wore a pink organdle and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Only the family and intimate friends were present. The bride was the recipient of many handsome presents. Mr. and Mrs. Yeo left for the South, where they will reside.’
George Cecil Yeo (1870–1904) had been born in the West Indies to parents George Edward Yeo and Helen Storey – see Robert James Yeo, lighthouse keeper in Jamaica.

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