Jacob Yeo and Ann Reader

Rodney Silk sent information about this family to Sheila in 2007.

Jacob Yeo was baptised at Lydiart Millicent in Wiltshire in 1781, a great grandson of Daniel Yeo and Barbara Easton of the same parish. He moved to London and married Ann Reader at the parish church of St Dunstan, Stepney in 1807. They had eight children:
– Rachel Yeo (born 1807)
– Eleanor Yeo (born 1813)
– Mary Yeo (born 1816)
– Ann Yeo (1819–1886, married Alfred Dunn)
– Sarah Yeo (born 1818)
– Elizabeth Yeo (born 1822)
– James Yeo (see below)
– Daniel Yeo (born 1824).
Jacob Yeo died in east London in 1871.

James Yeo (1824–1880, son of Jacob Yeo and Ann Reader) married twice. He married Mary Ann Wimshurst in Stepney in 1849 and had six children:
– James Yeo (born 1850)
– William Jacob Yeo (see below)
– Charles Yeo (born 1854, married Emma Mumford)
– Mary Ann Yeo (born 1856)
– Henry Yeo (born 1857)
– Alfred Yeo (born 1859).
James later married Hannah Jones in Hackney in 1880. There were no children from this marriage.

William Jacob Yeo (1852–1884, son of James Yeo and Mary Ann Wimshurst, married Helen Amata Choate in Hackney in 1873. They had six children:
– Clara Amata Yeo (1874–1928)
– William Henry Yeo (see below)
– Alfred Edward Yeo (born 1878, married Caroline Clara Church, three children)
– Edith Mary Yeo (born 1879, married Thomas Futrill)
– Isabella Jessie Yeo (1881–1963, married Arthur Leonard Blowers)
– Winifred Helen Yeo (1887–1958, married Arthur Yates)

William Henry Yeo (1876–1954, son of William Jacob Yeo and Helen Amata Choate) married Alice Maud Freeman at Islington in 1902. They had five children:
– Winifred Ellen Amata Yeo (1902–1983, married Charles Hilton Byart)
– Alice Marion Yeo (1905–1986, married Frederick Charles Silk)
– Hilda Kathleen Yeo (1909–1960, married Alexander Buck)
– William Francis Yeo (1911–1981, married Barbara Robson, no recorded children)
Leslie Alexander Yeo.

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