About these pedigrees

While the Yeo surname originated at various places in south-west England, it and the variants covered by this study have spread across the British Isles.

They have also spread around the world. The most common route for this has been through emigration, so there are large numbers of Yeos in Australia, Canada and the United States. We have also been able to find – or have been told about – Yeos in France, Gibraltar, India, Ireland, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa and Spain and the West Indies (see List of Records). Please use the Contact Us page if you are a Yeo or a Yeo descendant in a country or area we don’t know about.

A large number of Yeo pedigrees have been researched, and in this part of the web site we aim to list or link to them (although copyright restrictions allow us to publish only some). Users of the site are welcome to contact us to discuss the content of the pedigrees and – where feasible – to be put in touch with the researcher. Please use the Contact Us page.

We shall be pleased to receive any researched Yeo pedigrees. We will add them to the list we hold, compare them carefully with existting pedigrees, and send you any observations we have. We will not share your information with anyone without obtaining your permission.

We can work with almost any pedigree format, including:
– PDF files (our preference)
– Word-processed files (if you use Word, please tell us which version)
– GEDCOM files
– Spreadsheet files (please tell us how they were created)
– Charts exported from genealogy software (please tell us which package you used)
– Files exported from online trees.
