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About the Study

About Us


Apprenticeship indentures

Army registrations

Baptisms by country  see ‘Births, Marriages, deaths’ menu

Births by country see ‘Births, Marriages, deaths’ menu

Birth registrations by country  see ‘Births, Marriages, deaths’ menu

Burials by country see ‘Births, Marriages, deaths’ menu

Contact Us

Court records and land transfers

Deaths by country see ‘Births, Marriages, deaths’ menu

Death registrations by country see ‘Births, Marriages, deaths’ menu

Deeds see Court records and land transfers

Emigration diaries

Extraparochial marriages

Failed emails

Feedback on content

Feedback on performance


Irish records

Index of families and individuals

Leases see Court records and land transfers

Lines in …   see ‘Pedigrees’ menu

Main Yeo lines

Marriages by country see ‘Births, Marriages, deaths’ menu

Marriage registrations by country see ‘Births, Marriages, deaths’ menu


One-name Study

Pedigrees   see ‘Pedigrees’ menu and ‘Families’ menu

Property sales see Court records and land transfers


Research by Angela Morgan   see ‘Pedigrees’ menu

Research by Clarence Arthur Phillips   see ‘Pedigrees’ menu

Research by Eve McLaughlin   see ‘Pedigrees’ menu

Research by Mike Darch and David Yaw   see ‘Pedigrees’ menu

Research by the Yaw-Yeaw Family Society   see ‘Pedigrees’ menu

Resources on this site

Searching for …

Sir James Lucas Yeo

Surname distribution

Surname variants

The Yeo coat-of-arms

Wills and administrations

War deaths
