Recommended reading

Included this list are books we have found useful or have been recommended by users of this site. For online resources see the Useful links page.

Antony Adolph, Tracing Your Family History, second edition, Harper Collins, London, 2005

Basil Greenhill and Ann Giffard, Westcountrymen in Prince Edward’s Isle, University of Toronto Press, Toronto and David and Charles, Newton Abbot, 1967.

Mark Herber, Ancestral Trails, second edition, Sutton Publishing, Stroud and the Society of Genealogists, London, 1997

Cecil R. Humphrey-Smith (ed.), The Phillimore Atlas and Index of Parish Registers, Phillimore & Co, Chichester, 1984

Bruce Marshall, The White Rabbit: from the story told to him by Wing-Commander F.F.E. Yeo-Thomas, Evans Brothers, London, 1952

Ian Pykett, The Life & Times of Revd John Reddaway Luxmoore (1829–1917), Spiral Publishing in association with Country Books, 2022 (see its contents list; the book can be ordered by emailing, £15 including postage to a UK address)

Denis Stuart, Latin for Local and Family Historians: a beginner’s guide, Phillimore, Chichester, 1995

Useful sources of information on The Clergy are:
Alumni Oxoniensis: the members of the University of Oxford, 1500–1714, published in four volumes by Parker and Co of Oxford between 1887 and 1892
Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715–1886, published in four volumes by Parker and Co of Oxford in 1888 (both edited by Joseph Foster)
Alumni Cantabrigiensis, Part I [up to 1751] and Part II [1752 to 1900], both edited by J. and J.A. Venn and published by Cambridge University Press in 1927
Alumni Dublinenses, a Register of the Students, Graduates, Professors and Provosts of Trinity College in the University of Dublin (1593–1860), edited by George Dames Burtchaell and Thomas Ulick Sadleir and published by Trinity College Dublin in 1935
– The Clergy of the Church of England Database, which records the ordination of William Yeo [note 1] as a priest at Exeter Cathedral in 1662 and as a deacon there in 1635
The Clergy List. The 1896 edition includes Charles Oldham Yeo and James Pearse Yeo, as shown in the table.

Please use the Contact Us page if you can recommend any further books. See also Books for sale.
