The information on this web site represents the work of a very large number of people, to which we are extremely grateful to have access.
Sheila’s records show that over 1500 people contacted the Yeo One-name Study while she was running it, to enquire about their family history or to provide information or photographs. Many more are now using the Contact Us page for the same purposes.
Specific help and contributions are credited on the relevant pages. We are also very grateful to Norma Falconer, Jean Ajin, Brian Randell, Richard Grylls and Elizebeth McLane for their help and support.
If you are an old friend of the One-name Study (whatever your age!) please use the Contact Us page to update us on your research. We shall be delighted to hear from you. Please also let us know if your help should be formally acknowledged – we don’t want to overlook anyone who has contributed. We also need to obtain your permission to use material that you contributed to Sheila’s former site and will be grateful to hear from you regarding this.
Read the notes at Failed emails if you used Sheila’s email address to contact the Yeo One-name Study and have not received a reply.
Read the notes at Searching for if you can help us with information about friends of the site with whom we are no longer in contact.