John Yeo and Elizabeth Kate Maclean

50-year-old John Yeo is listed in the 1901 census for Toronto. With him are his wife Elizabeth K. Yeo (age 52) and son George P. Yeo (age 17).

John Yeo (1851–1930, son of John Yeo and Elizabeth Batstone) and Elizabeth Kate Maclean were English emigrants who had married in Devon in 1883. They appear to have lived for a while Kent, as their only son was baptised at Plumstead:
– George Percy Yeo (born 1889, married Jean McAlpine Jackson, two children [note 1]).

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1. Both children born in Toronto: Nora Elsie Yeo (born 1914), and John Gordon Yeo (1919–1984, married Kathleen Mary Cooper in England).
