Annie Yeo and Joan Yeo

Joan Yeo was born on 2 April 1921 at 28 Marloes Road in Kensington [note 1]. Her mother was Annie Yeo, a domestic servant of nearby St Mary Abbots Terrace. The birth certificate makes no mention of Joan’s father.

The 1921 census, taken 22 days after Joan’s birth, records Annie as a general domestic servant living with dentist Walter Clifford Warner and his wife Maude Anna Warner at 10 St Mary Abbots Terrace [note 2]

In the same census, Joan is recorded in the household of Albert Hunt at 3a Gastein Road [note 3].

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1. This appears to have been the address of the Kensington Workhouse, which would have been used as a maternity or ‘laying-in’ hospital.
2. Annie’s age is given as 33 years and 2 months, her status as single and her birthplace as ‘Loxhor, Devonshire’ – was she born at Loxhore in 1886 and did she marry George John Farley in London in 1932?
3. Joan is described as adopted and a boarder, with her age recorded as 3 months (3 weeks was presumably intended, but the form has no column for weeks). Gastein Road is in Barons Court, a short distance south-west of St Mary Abbots Terrace. Joan did not change her surname to Hunt; she later married Charles Henry Coats and lived until 2000.
