About these records

These records on the pages under this menu include births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials. For a complete list see the List of searchable records. For army registrations, court records, land transfers and photographs use the other menus or follow the links in the Site plan.

Baptism, marriage and burial records (England and Wales)

Revised and expanded sets of baptism, marriage and burial records are now included, containing many additional records:
– More than 700 records for surname variants
– Several hundred records from counties outside Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Wiltshire
– Several hundred records dated after 1837
– Over 70 records previously transcribed as Geo, Jeo, Teo, Yem, Yes or Yor and overlooked by other researchers
– Records from nonconformist burial yards and municipal cemeteries.

The new data sets have been collated from transcriptions made from the register entries and from earlier transcriptions [note 1] and are fully searchable by forename and date. They represent the most comprehensive set of Yeo and variant transcriptions ever assembled. Please Contact Us if you have searched for a record but have not been able to find it.

The collated data does not follow a consistent layout, because the original documents are not consistent, and the information recorded by different transcribers is presented in different styles [note 2].

Civil registration records (England and Wales)

Sheila Yeo published birth, marriage and death records in PDF format on her web site in 2006, based on transcriptions made from the original civil registration indexes by Bert Street [note 3].

The revised records on this web site supplement, correct and expand on Sheila and Bert’s work. The records are fully searchable and include:
– People with Yeo or a variant as a forename
– Births, marriages and deaths after 2006 [note 4]
– Corrections to many errors found in the original indexes and in published sources, often from inaccurately transcribed certificates
– Notes on discrepancies in the registration records
– Many records that were previously missed as the surname had been transcribed incorrectly
– Records for women whose surname at re-marriage or death (or for part of their life) was Yeo or a variant
– Records for people whose surname changed to Yeo when their mother married or re-married, or for another reason (see A Yeo who was not a Yeo)
– More than 2500 records for surname variants.

If, based on one of the records, you decide to order a birth, marriage or death certificate from the GRO web site, it is helpful (though not essential) to have the volume and page number [note 5]. When you receive the certificate, please Contact Us if the details on it differ from the details we show.

Other records

We have been able to include over 4200 records for Yeo and variant births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials in countries other than England and Wales [note 4]. Please use the Contact Us page if you can add to or comment on these records.

Also Contact Us if you have questions about information that was available on Sheila Yeo’s former web site. The site is no longer accessible, but we have copies of all the web pages, illustrations, pedigrees and other collated data.

1. Made by Humphrey Toms, Reg Walter, Mary Elizabeth Jessie Yeo, Beryl Smedley, J.W. Bastin, J.L. Vivian, Sheila Yeo, Mike Darch, David Yaw, Nick Heard, Gill Badcock, David Carter, Steve Hobbs, Janet Few, Jeremy Engert, Alan Richards, Rachel Daine, and several members of the online parish clerk scheme. Mike Darch and David Yaw have been very helpful with regard to Somerset records.
2. For example, some have written surnames in capital letters.
3. Albert Charles Edward Street (1920–2009).
4. Some births and marriages will not be displayed in search results – see the relevant pages for guidance.
5. These can be found on the GRO web site, Ancestry or FindMyPast.
